PRIVER Design Services

Understanding the unique challenges faced by small businesses, we offer tailored services to help you leverage technology effectively. Our goal is to help small businesses thrive by implementing efficient, cost-effective solutions that drive success. Here are some examples of services we provide:

1. Digital Marketing Solutions
  • Website Development and Management: Creating and maintaining user-friendly, SEO-optimized websites.

  • Social Media Management: Developing and executing social media strategies to engage customers and build brand presence.

  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Designing and managing targeted email campaigns to drive customer engagement and sales.

2. IT Support and Consulting
  • IT Strategy Consulting software selection : Developing a long-term technology strategy aligned with business goals.

3. Digital Solutions

1. Home Health Soft

  • Patient Medical Records Management: Securely manage and update patient medical records, ensuring compliance with health regulations.

  • Payroll Management: Streamline payroll processes, ensuring accurate and timely payments for home health staff.

  • Scheduling and Appointment Management: Efficiently schedule home visits and appointments, optimizing staff utilization and improving patient care.

2. Shopify Solutions

  • eCommerce Website Setup: Create and customize a Shopify store tailored to your business needs, enhancing online sales capabilities.

  • Shopify Integrations: Integrate Shopify with other business systems (e.g., inventory management, CRM) to streamline operations.

  • Shopify Marketing: Develop and implement marketing strategies within Shopify to boost online visibility and sales.

By offering these services, we aim to empower small businesses to leverage technology in ways that enhance productivity, reduce costs, and drive overall success. Let us partner with you to create a technological foundation that supports your business goals and enables growth.